常见问题 | FAQ
Q: 如何使用智能冰盒? | How Do I Use the Ice Box?
A: 将纯净水加入智能冰盒,放入冰箱。当冰块制作完成时,设备会发出蜂鸣声提醒。
Add purified water to the smart ice box and place it in the freezer. The device will emit a beeping sound when the ice is ready.
Q: 制冰为什么需要 35 小时? | Why Does It Take 35 Hours to Make Ice?
A: 制冰时间确保冰晶均匀生长,以保证冰块的高度透明与纯净。
The freezing time ensures uniform crystal growth, resulting in highly transparent and pure ice.
Q: 使用冰盒是否安全? | Is It Safe to Use?
A: 是的,冰盒使用食品级的 304 不锈钢材料,确保使用过程安全且耐用。
Yes, the ice box is made from food-grade 304 stainless steel, ensuring safety and durability during use.
Q: 如何清洁冰盒? | How Do I Clean the Ice Box?
A: 冰盒可以完全拆卸,建议使用温水和中性洗涤剂清洗,避免使用金属刷等会划伤表面的工具。
The ice box is fully detachable, and we recommend using warm water and a neutral detergent for cleaning. Avoid using metal brushes to prevent surface scratches.
Q: 可以缩短制冰时间吗? | Can I Shorten the Freezing Time?
A: 制冰时间取决于冰箱的性能,建议按照 35 小时的标准以确保冰块的最佳质量。如果冰箱冷冻能力较强,可以略微缩短时间,但透明度可能会受到影响。
The freezing time depends on the performance of your freezer. We recommend sticking to the 35-hour standard to ensure optimal ice quality. A stronger freezer may slightly shorten the time, but transparency might be affected.
Q: 众筹失败资金如何处理? | What Happens if the Crowdfunding Campaign Fails?
A: 如果众筹未能成功,您的支持资金将全额退还,感谢您的理解与支持。
If the crowdfunding campaign does not succeed, your support funds will be fully refunded. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Q: 项目周期是多久? | What Is the Project Timeline?
A: 初次计划的项目时间为半年。如果提前达到 100 名支持者,我们将会加速量产,并提前交付产品。
The initial project timeline is six months. If we reach 100 supporters early, we will expedite mass production and deliver the product sooner.
Q: 项目成功后如何支付运费? | How Will Shipping Costs Be Handled After the Project Succeeds?
A: 项目成功后,产品的运费将采取到付的方式,具体费用以物流公司标准为准,感谢您的支持与理解。
After the project succeeds, shipping costs will be handled as cash on delivery (COD), and the exact amount will depend on the rates of the logistics company. Thank you for your support and understanding.